Palm Beach Rheumatology And Wellness Center provides comprehensive evaluation and individualized treatment.
The specific treatment for your arthritis will depend on the type of autoimmune disease that you have.
My team and I will create an individualized plan for your specific condition that can help prevent further progression of your condition and ease your pain and improve your quality of life.
Comprehensive Evaluation and Management of Rheumatic and Musculoskeletal Disease
Infusion services: Our state of the art infusion center provides in-office infusion services in a warm and comfortable environment
In office Infusions
Simponi Aria
In Office Injections
Our office provides Joint and Soft Tissue Injections including:
Injections for bursitis, tendinitis
Trigger point injections
Trigger finger injections
Joint injections
Intraarticular Corticosteroids
Viscosupplementation - Synvisc, Orthovisc, Gel-One
Lifestyle Coaching and Counseling on Managing Rheumatic Conditions
The effects of wellness in Rheumatology is very specific and has been well documented for past many years. It’s a conscious choice that people make and it requires ongoing efforts from patients and their rheumatologist to maintain. It not only involves physical but emotional well being. There are 5 basic elements that are modifiable - diet, sleep, mindfulness, social connections and exercises.
Learn more about how you can implement these changes to achieve wellness in addition to your standard therapy for your rheumatic diseases, by scheduling a special 1 hour consultation with Dr. Khan.
Call our office to schedule a Lifestyle Coaching and Counseling consultation.
Nutritional and Supplement recommendations:
Dr. Khan believes in proper nutrition with appropriate supplements. She will guide you through which supplements may best suit your health. She trusts medical-grade brands and has a wide selection of supplements you can get at discounted rates delivered to your home directly. Click the link below to get your supplements.